Dr Skinner: be prepared these holidays
Listen to Emergency Physician, Dr Clare Skinner’s advice to be prepared these holidays.

DevelopingEM- The Australian COVID-19 Pandemic Experience
Sanj Interviews Aussie experts, Clare Skinner, Matt Bragg and Peter Cameron about the Australian COVID-19 Pandemic Experience.

Not Yoga 2020 Symposium: Talks with impact - leading through a crisis
NotYoga* is our first annual event that is aimed at all medical professionals at any stage of their careers. It is also targeted and relevant for anyone interested in clinician health and those supporting medical professionals in the workplace or interested in healthcare system transformation for improving workforce wellbeing.
*To be clear, yoga is great. We are for yoga and it is an important part of millions of people's lives around the world, including from a spiritual and cultural perspective. But it is not the antidote for a broken healthcare system, a quick fix for doctor's with compassion fatigue or instead of tackling the big problems.

The Blue Sky ED: Dare to dream
What innovations for Emergency Medicine do you dream about? Join this highly interactive session where no idea will be considered too bold or too impossible.

Workforce planning: What does the future look like
Panel discussion from ACEM 2020 virtual annual scientific meeting.

Mental Health in the Emergency Department - Nowhere else to go
Nowhere Else to Go: Why Australia's health system results in people with mental illness getting 'stuck' in emergency departments, commissioned by ACEM and prepared by the Mitchell Institute for Education and Health Policy at Victoria University, reaffirms the major resourcing and systemic issues contributing to the country’s mental health crisis. Our recent national launch webinar examined the report’s recommendations and featured an insightful and thought-provoking panel discussion from professionals and individuals with extensive insight and experience with various facets of the mental health system in Australia.

Clinicians communicating with each other through COVID
An interview with Dr Clare Skinner, President-Elect, Australian College for Emergency Medicine.

This Emergency Life - A Podcast
Clare shares her thoughts on ED workplace culture, workforce, patient safety, being kind to each other in the department and the people who influence our practice.

Podcast – Incivility and its impact on our ability to provide good patient care
Mel Rule interviews FACEM Clare Skinner who is the Director of EM at Hornsby Kuring-Gai Hospital in Sydney, New South Wales. They discuss in-civility in the workplace and its impact on our ability to provide good patient care. They highlight that often the toughest days at work are those days when we encounter conflict with our colleagues. Clare provides some great practical tips on how to deal with these inevitable yet universally uncomfortable situations.

A message about COVID-19
COVID-19 communication campaign re Emergency Departments May 2020
NB the information presented is not up-to-date.

Communities of practice
Dr Clare Skinner outlines the role of the NSW Emergency Department Community of Practice in the COVID-19 response.
NB the information presented is not up-to-date.

COVID-19 – Personal Protective Equipment and health care worker–associated cases
This webinar for hospital clinicians will cover COVID-19 health care worker infections, personal protective equipment (PPE), guidelines and resources.
NB the information in this webinar is out-of-date.

COVID social media videos for NSW Health
Find the facts about COVID-19. Know how ED staff can help you.
NB the information presented is out-of-date

Coronavirus panel with Dr Kerry Chant - NSW Evidence Review 2020
Panel discussion with Dr Kerry Chant NSW Chief Health Officer re impact of emerging coronarvirus pandemic on NSW Emergency Departments.
NB the information presented is out-of-date.

EMR - help or hindrance?
An exploration of the evolution and evidence underlying the use of electronic health records.

#ACEM19 AWE Drs Kim Hansen and Clare Skinner
#ACEM19 Looking back to Tuesday morning -7am: FACEMs Dr Kim Hansen and Dr Clare Skinner chaired Breakfast at #ACEM19 on the Changing Climate of Gender Equity. Speakers were: FACEMs Dr Lucy Reed and Dr Kate Field. Their story were inspiring.

Clare Skinner & Charlotte Durand #ACEM19
Emergency doctors Clare Skinner & Charlotte Durand were among 35 signatories to a letter published on November 18 in the MJA about gender equity in medicine. They spoke to Croakey News on the sidelines of the 2019 Australasian College for Emergency Medicine about the letter, and why it matters

How to be well in an unwell system at otw19 conference
Wellbeing is much more than physical health. It includes physical as well as social, mental, and financial wellness. Working as a junior doctor comes with unique challenges. While attention is rightly being drawn to the need to improve the working conditions for doctors in training, there are ways we can each maximise our wellbeing now. The panel discuss ways to balance each of these wellbeing dimensions, and opportunities to improve your quality of life.