Humans of the hospital - International Womens Day 2018

March 2018


“Hornsby Emergency Department is rare in that we have more female medicine consultants than male. We are leading the nation in terms of diversity and inclusivity in our team, which I am really proud of. Roughly 18 per cent of emergency directors in Australia and New Zealand are female. It’s a very busy job, but it’s also very interesting and that makes up for it. I basically have a management job but the great thing about this role is I still have direct patient care and that gives me a real sense of purpose. One of my favourite responsibilities is educating and mentoring junior medical officers and helping them build their careers. It’s lovely to support them during their stay in ED and beyond and it’s a real privilege to be a part of their lives. I hope I can remember how it felt to start out as a junior medical officer and I keep a little bit of that memory in me all the time when I am mentoring. I think being female absolutely colours my role in that I take the emotional, supportive and nurturing side of my role very seriously. I am always on the lookout for people who need a little bit of mentoring and support to be able to be themselves and perform at their best. To me it’s important to just to have a sense of humanity and humility. That was something I felt lacking when I was a junior doctor. I think it is important to show that we are all human, decisions can be hard and I want to be the real person in the system anyone can approach and ask for help and support. There is no such thing as a silly question and no one ever wastes my time.” - Clare Skinner, director emergency medicine, Hornsby Hospital

Clare Skinner

Dr Clare Skinner is a specialist emergency physician with interests in leadership, advocacy, workplace culture, quality and safety, clinical redesign and health system reform. Her current areas of focus include transformation of the emergency department workforce, improving care of people with mental health symptoms, building positive culture in hospitals, and fostering diversity and inclusion in health services. Clare works as a clinician, manager and educator. She is a frequent contributor to academic journals, mainstream media and medical blogs on topics related to hospital practice and culture. Clare is a regular speaker at emergency medicine and leadership conferences and seminars. She was selected in the Top 50 Public Sector Women NSW in 2018.

Burning out


ED doctors tackle mental health and wellbeing