How you can support Australia's frontline workers during the COVID-19 crisis

March 2020

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How you can support Australia's frontline workers during the COVID-19 crisis (

With challenging months ahead, a number of campaigns are asking the public to show their support for those working hard to contain the spread of the virus - from buying a healthcare worker a coffee to offering up your babysitting services.

Clare Skinner

Dr Clare Skinner is a specialist emergency physician with interests in leadership, advocacy, workplace culture, quality and safety, clinical redesign and health system reform. Her current areas of focus include transformation of the emergency department workforce, improving care of people with mental health symptoms, building positive culture in hospitals, and fostering diversity and inclusion in health services. Clare works as a clinician, manager and educator. She is a frequent contributor to academic journals, mainstream media and medical blogs on topics related to hospital practice and culture. Clare is a regular speaker at emergency medicine and leadership conferences and seminars. She was selected in the Top 50 Public Sector Women NSW in 2018.

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